EHT Enhanced Hair Therapy for Hair Loss

Non-Surgical Hair Restoration for Men & Women – Jacksonville, Florida

EHT Hair Theapy

Enhanced Hair Therapy for Hair Loss

IHRS is proud to introduce EHT Enhanced Hair Therapy for Hair Loss. For patients who are not good candidates for hair transplant surgery, enhanced hair therapy offers an exciting alternative to encourage natural hair growth.

hair loss treatment jacksonvilleWhen used in conjunction with other hair restoration procedures like Low-Level Laser Hair Therapy, Enhanced Hair Therapy has often been proven to be beneficial in helping to restore fuller, thicker hair. Results have often been visible to clients in as little as 90 days.

Whether you are looking for additional hair stimulation or are looking to have hair surgery with the addition of EHT Hair Therapy, International Hair Restoration Systems in Jacksonville is able to meet your needs. Although results will vary from patient to patients, EHT Therapy as a non-surgical option offers patients with miniaturization and hair thinning improvement in both hair caliber and thickness.

Always bear in mind that outcomes will differ from person to person, but Enhanced Hair Therapy, as a non-surgical solution, may be able to help you if you are experiencing hair thinning or hair miniaturization and want to boost the quality and thickness of your hair.

Get Started With a Free Consultation

Whether you are experiencing thinning hair and want to stop your hair loss, or want more hair, we offer the latest clinically proven hair loss treatment and hair restoration solutions for men and women of all ages and hair types.

We offer a range of individually customized services and solutions to accommodate multiple medical conditions, including alopecia, chemotherapy-related hair loss, trichotillomania, and thinning hair.

Discreet, Private Consultation & Services

All of our services are provided with your complete privacy in mind. We provide a discreet, confidential, professional atmosphere which our patients appreciate.

Schedule a Consultation Today

Restore your hair and your confidence. Schedule a free, private consultation today.